さわやか整体院 シャイン館(Shine)
さわやか整体院 シャイン館(Shine)

Yokohama No1 Body Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Massage. SAWAYAKA SEITAIIN Phone:045-316-0222
“Sawayaka Seitaiin” We located very closed to Yokohama Station, Our policy is to Beautify, Preventive Therapy and Healing.Our highly trained therapist will help to manage and tune your body to be at its peak.We wish to spread the importance and allure of massage.

さわやか整体院 シャイン館(Shine)の雰囲気


Facial 40min ¥5400

Legs & Back 50min ¥7000

さわやか整体院 シャイン館(Shine)の詳細データ

住所 神奈川県横浜市神奈川区鶴屋町2-22-3伊藤ビル2F
エリア 横浜・関内・元町・上大岡・東神奈川
定休日 Off Sunday & Holidays 【Phone:045-316-0222】
クレジットカード Credit Cards are not available. Cash only.
駐車場 近隣有料駐車場有
備考 ☆Sawayaka Seitai(BODY WORKS・MASSAGE・Chiropractic・SEITAI/Shiatsu)We located very closed to Yokohama Station. Plesase see as below our related pages. https://beauty.hotpepper.jp/kr/slnH000195151/